Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Quest

Wilma is writing a story about quest. It's a journey that someone makes to look for something thst's been lost.
The evil Grimlock lived outside Ulm. He lived in the cold, black mountains of Grim. He wanted the crystall bell of Grim, and he spent years looking for it. At last, Grimlock found hte the bell. "Now it will be mine forever!" he said. Grimlock took the bell back to the land of Grim. He carried it through the forest. Then he crossed the rocky desert. At last, he reaced his catsle high in the mountains.
Without the bell, the land of Ulm became dark and grey. The people of Ulm were sad and unhappy.
Suddenly, the magic key began to glow, and Wilma was taken into a magic adventure. The magic took Wilma to the land of Ulm. The land was cold and bare.
Then Wilma's adventure was start. She met a lot, unicorn gnome, dragon, basilisk. Wilma and the gnome went the catsle of Grimlock together. They came to the room where the crystal bell was hanging. Wilma looked at the magic ring.The magic ring is that it will only give one wish. It's time I made my wish, Wilma thought. Wilma's wish start to work. The bell began to ring. Its sound grew louder and louder. Grimlock's ears hurt as the bell grew louder and louder. Grimlock could not bear the noise any longer. He tried to smash the bell with a hammer, but it wouldn't break. At last Grimlock asked Wilma if she would make the bell stop ringing. "I can," said Wilma. "But you must let me take it back to Ulm.If you don't, it will begin to ring again, and it will never stop." "Take it!" said Grimlock. "Take it back toUlm." So Wilma and the gnome took the bell back to Ulm and the quest was over.
When the bell returned, beauty came back to the land of Ulm again.
The magic key began to glow. "It's time for me to go." said Wilma. The gnome's eyes filled with tears "Thak you!" he said. "I shall never forget you!"

My opinion
The magic key's story is very intersting. I want to go magic key's world. And I enjoy it!!

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