Friday, July 25, 2008

My experience with blogging this semester

In fact, I didn't like to write my blog first. It was hard for me to write my blog. But now, I enjoy writing my blog. To write blog became to my hobby. And we can watch our friend's blog. It it very interesting for me to watched them. We also can write comments to our friends blogs. It made me to enjoy blogging. 

Book review was also hard for me. I read easy book first. And I can read a little difficult books now. I did a lot of book reviews, I think. So my reading speed have become faster than past. And typing speed also became fast. I'm happy to get their skills. I want to make my skills up more and more. 

I hope my success and want to enjoy blogging more.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Bus Driver's Birthday

I read the book "The Bus Driver's Birthday". The bus driver's name is Tommy. And the day was Tomy's birthday. So he wanted to take the day off work. He phined hi friends to drive the bus insted of he. He phoned the vet, the doctor, the shopkeeper, the hairdresser, and the butcher. But all of them couldn't OK his offer. So Tommy get on the bus to drive.
He sat in hi seat and then...the vet, the doctor, the shopkeeper, the hairdresser, and the butcher all sang Happy Birthday to you. They all gave Tommy a big cake and then the hairdresser drove his bus for him.
This book is good. All of them remembered Tommy's birthday. Tommy is very happy man, I think.

Carla Crocodile's Knitting

I read the book "Carla Crocodile's Knitting". Carla liked knitting. She Kitted a scarf. The color was stripe of red, blue and yellow. When she finished knitting it, Carla's friend, Charlie came and said
"That's a nice scarf."
So Carla gave it to Charlie. And then Carla knitted a stripey hat. And she gave it to Charlie. Charlie asked Carla to knit some socks for him. And Carla knitted a pair of socks. But! the pair of socks' color was different each other. And Charlie liked the pair of socks.

This book made me warm. Carla and Charlie were kind. Carla knitted many things for Charlie. Charlie permited Carla's mistake. Their relationship was good, I think.

Polly Perkins's Picture

I read the book "Polly Perkins's Picture". Polly Perkins painted a lot of pictures and she put them upon the wall. She decided to sell them. Then she went to town to sell her pictures. She went to 3 shops. But all of them didn't buy her pictures. The shop's owner said to Polly
"If they are very good pictures, you should hang them on the walls of your house."
And then she did it.

I shocked a little because Polly's pictures was not sold. But the shop's owner told Polly important thing. I agree with his idea.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Harry's Great Big Burp

I read the book "Harry's Great Big Burp".
Harry is the boy who live with his mum. His mum gave Harry all kinds of food that he don't like. And Harry ate of all food. Harry don't like prunes. But Mum wanted Harry to eat prunes. So Harry ate some prunes. And then, Harry went to to school by school bus. At the time, he felt something...
His tummy started to rumble, and mumble, and grumble. Then...POP! A great big
burp came from Harry's mouth.
In the library,
another great big burp came from Harry's mouth.
The walls of the library shook and make the shelves shake like an earthquake. But it wasn't it. The shelves shake is made by Harry's big burp! Harry ran the home. And he decieded not to eat prunes ever again. I like this book very much. It was very interesting for me. Harry is kind enough to OK his mum's order. I like that. But I'm sorry for Harry, he must be ashamed to make a big burp. Don't care, Harry!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer vacation

Summer vacation will coming soon. And many English major students will go abroad as "Kagaikensyu". I won't go. I will study TOIEC and computer in this summer vacation. I have to do a lot of things that I can do just now for the future. Summer vacation is a good time that we can do many things. So I want to use my time well. Summer vacation is too long for free people but for busy people, it is short, I think.
By the way, most of my friends in our department will go to "Kagaikensyu". It is good for them. I want them to challenge many things. I hope their success.
I have a few things that I want to do in this summer vacation. First, I want to go on a trip somewhere at least once and I want to go to Tokyo to see my brother. Second, I want to play soccer many many times and go shopping. Third, I want to study about fashion. I want to look many styling and talk with shop stuff or designer. I want to learn something from them.
I will enjoy my summer vacation.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Recently, it is very hot. By the way, I attended the beach soccer festival in Otachimisaki on May 24, 25. This beach soccer festival is so big. About 70 or 80 team attend this convention every year. I have attended the festival many times. When I was a high school student of grade 1, I attended the beach soccer festival. This is the first time for me. It was very interesting, I think. I attended the convention with my soccer club's member. Next year, we attended the convention the same members. And we could left the semifinal.
Last year, I was 1 grade student of KGU, I attended the beach soccer festival with my high school day's friends. We left the semifinal but we couldn't won. We felt sad at the time. This year, we attended the convention. Of course, members are the same of last year. I practiced hard for the convention. We wanted to champion.
The first day, we had the games of group league. We won the group league 7-0, 4-0. Next day, we went on the knockout tournament. We had a good performances in each games. Finally, we went on the final. The final was very hot game. The score was 1-0. We won! When the game finished, everyone in our team very very happy. We became champion. We had very good experience. And we will challenge next year, too. We have to try again. We have to keep on challenging!


I read the book "STAR REPORTER". Joe called and said to Steve "A new girl came in town!" Her name is Marietta. She is tall, with red hair and a nice smile.
Steve's father is Ned Reit and he is a editor of the weekly newspaper, the Cado Star. One day, Steve's father asked Steve to help the job. So Steve had to find something interesting for week's newspaper. And then Steve leave home and he found a very beautiful girl. He thought that she is the girl that Joe said. The girl took some photographs and she wanted to sell them to someone. Steve saw her many times and that time he always in trouble and the girl took the photos which Steve in trouble. The beautiful girl heard the good news, she can sell the photos to the Cado Star. After that, she went to the Cado Star. And Steve's Dad asked her to take good photos.
Steve also had to get the interesting news for the newspaper. He went to the Mr Ritchie's home. Mr Ritchie is a writer and Steve thought Mr Ritchie has something interesting. And the fact, he had a good news and he told that to Steve. But while he tells that, Steve noticed that a cat in the tree and the cat couldn't get down. And Steve tried to help the cat, he climbed the tree and he succeed. But then he was fall in the lake under the tree. After that, the beautiful girl came and helped Steve. She is Mr Ritchie's daughter. And she said that "I've got a good picture. Maybe I can sell it to your father!" A week later, that photo on the newspaper. Steve and the beautiful girl, Marietta said each other, "You take good photographs, Marietta", "And you're a good newspaper reporter, Steve.
This story is love comedy, I think. I like this kind of story but I like true love story than that! That is my hope, I think. But if my future is the same situation like now, I will have to spend just only with a dog. I am lonely man!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Taking a lesson from the past

Taking a from the past...I like this words. It is important to keep on the things from the past on my mind, I think. If I can't do that, I am a bad man. I can feel something importnant from the past and we can learn a lot of things from the past. And that things will help me when I cahallenge the new things. It is also important to challenge the new things. But sometimes, we have mistakes. At the time, the lesson from the past will help me if I have a words "Taking a lesson from the psat". New things always look good and we want to get new things. Look your past, and there are many important things on your mind, I think. Look the past carefully and then challenge the new things, it will be good way to success and we can know a lot of things.

Three Naughty Ostriches

I read the book "Three Naughty Ostriches". The smallest ostrich, the middle-sized ostrich and the biggest ostrich got out of the farm. They run down the road as fast as they can. Then a girl on her skates chased them down the hill. Three ostriches run faster because the girl on her skates was chasing them. Then a boy on his bike was coming. And he also chased three ostriches. He set off down the hill after them. And then, Farmer Brown came and he chased them on his tractor. After that a police officer in her car came and yelled "Stop!". They were all going too fast. They stopped. But three ostriches didn't stop. They ran on. But police officer caught them.
And she put them into her car and took them back to the farm.
This book is interesting. Everyone in this book like chasing! It is fun. By the way, I had a wallet made by ostrich. I remember that thing from this book. I feel nice.

Trent and Grace Make a Home

I read the book "Trent and Grace Make a Home". Trent and Grace make a home. So they get stones to make the home. Then they made a garden. After that, they tried to make a little swing in the garden. And they could do it. Then they made a slide for the garden, too. Trent likes slides. Grace wanted to make a seesaw. So they made a seesaw. They like this home.

Congratulation, Trent and Grace! They spend good time with the home, the garden, the little swing, the slide, and the seesaw, I think. I want them to spend friendly each other forever. And I want to get a nice home like Trent and Graces' home in the future.

June's New Car

I read the book "June's New Car". June wants to buy a new car because the car which she has is not enough to big to take a lot of luggage. So June, Dad and Luke go to get a new car. Luke is June's son. Dad and Luke wants buy a cute car but it's too little. The little car is not useful for June's family, I think. And then June decide the car which she buy. The car is big and they can all get in it.

June had good shopping, I think. The car which she bought is very useful for her family. I want her family to go on a trip by the new car.

Friday, July 11, 2008


We have a lot of test in this month. There are about 10 subject for the tests, I think. So I have to study hard and write the reports. I don't like this season. But everyone is in the same situation. I don't give up. Everyone feels tire, I think. I will do my best. My TOEIC class's teacher, Steven always says me "You will do it!" and I always encouraged when I hear that words. It is important to think "I will do it." This thinking lead up to confidence. I always think this words in my mind. 

Saturday, July 5, 2008

2018 Self-Introduction(10 years future)

I will be 30 years old after 10 years in the future. I work at a company of fashion. I like fashion and I'm interested in it. First I joined the company of fashion in Japan. And my boss said me "Why don't you go to foreign country which you like to study fashion more?" And then I went to Paris in France to study world fashion. I studied a lot of thing and had a very important experiences there. I made a lot of friend and met many famous designers and stylists. And I enjoyed spending there with them while I was in Paris. 3 years later, I came back to Japan. I worked in Japan as designer of fashion and interior. Sometimes I worked as a stylist. And I decided to go to foreign country to work. I chose Liverpool in England. I like Liverpool. I don't know Liverpool is the place which is fashionable or not. I went Liverpool alone. So now I work in Liverpool as a designer. I'm spending very busy days. And I enjoy my challenge. My work is hard but interesting. So I'm really having a good time here. I can show many idea through the fashion as a designer. Fashion is very important part of our life. So my work is also important to many people. And this is also good point of my work. I love fashion. And now, I have a dream. I want to open the shop in Kumamoto. If my challenge in Liverpool is finish, I will open the shop in Kumamoto. I hope my dream will come true.

I like soccer. And I often play soccer when I feel free. In weekends I play soccer with my friends and colleagues. I often watch the soccer game of Liverpool. Liverpool is the soccer team which belongs to Premiere League. I like Liverpool. Their play always makes me excited. I have same friends in that team. Of course, they play soccer very well. And they always wear the clothes which I designed. I'm happy. This environment in Liverpool is really good for me. I have a good time here.

I don't marry. But I have a dog, named Syusyu. Syusyu is female. She is white and big. She is very cute. I often go to the park with her and send a good time. I love her. So I live in Liverpool with Syusyu. And we will have more family soon because the babies are in her stomach. There are 5 or 6 babies in her stomach, I think. I'm very happy and looking forward to seeing them. But I have fears about the birth. I yearn the birth will finish safely. Cheers, Syusyu! I said that I don't marry. But I have a lover in Japan. She doesn't know that I still love her. And I don't know our future. In past, she always encouraged me and I gave braves from her. Thanks to her I can be here. I really appreciate her. She is always on my mind.

I very much enjoy spending my sweet life.

Friday, July 4, 2008


I came to school by car yesterday. Weather forecast said it will be rainy today. So I went to school by car. But it was not rain yesterday. I disappointed.  And I thought it is better for me to come to school by bicycle. 
After school I studied in the library, and then I had to go to a meeting of KGU. A few minutes before that my friend, Keishi called me. And he asked me "Did you come to school by car today?" So he wanted to drove him to downtown. After the meeting I drove to downtown with Keishi. He put his bicycle in downtown. And he also put his car in the parking of Kengeki. He said me he has to go downtown and take his bicycle, then return to the KGU by bicycle, and then he goes back home by his car. I had an idea when I heard that. My car is so big enough to get  a bicycle. So I retuned to the KGU with Keishi and his bicycle. 
Keishi said me "Thank you and be careful while you go home." I thought it was very good that I came to school by car. 
Sometimes it is maybe good to get wrong information from weather forecast, I think. Sometimes we can learn something good from mistakes.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I take a TOEIC class on Tuesday at 6:00 with my friends. I always enjoy taking this class. We study grammar, listening, speaking. We can't speak Japanese in this class. We speak only English in this class.  And it is good for me to speak English. This environment is very good and my English ability will up, I think. The teacher, Steven Sax is very kind and interesting. I like his class, so I always looking forward to going this class. The concept of this class is "I will do it". It is not "can". He always says us "You will do it". And I like theses words. 
To take high score of TOEIC is very difficult for me. But I have to study and take high score for my future. It is important to enjoy doing something. I want to enjoy studying TOEIC. Now, I enjoy studying it only in TOEIC class. It is not so good. I have to study TOEIC out of the class more. If I enjoy studying TOEIC every day, my score will up. 
I will do it!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

cards tower

I made a cards tower. I have a hand power, I think. To make a cards tower, we need a lot of concentrations. I tried to make cards towers many times. But I had mistakes in each times. One day, my friend Junki bruoght cards. So I began to make a cards tower in lunch time. And I did it! I was so happy to make it. I enjoyed making it. It is 3-stage cards tower that I made. It is easy to make 3-stage cards tower. Next time I want to challenge to make 4 or 5- stage cards tower. I expect my success. It will make my concentration up!, I think.
Why don't you make cards tower if you feel free?

weblog report

Weblog Report Autumn semester

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